ProTier – Foundation for Animal Welfare and Ethics has been campaigning for the just, ethical treatment of animals with its own projects and campaigns for almost 75 years.
Our declared goal is a world with less animal suffering and a healthy, respectful coexistence of animals and humans. With our own projects and campaigns, we are committed to increasing animal welfare in Switzerland. Furthermore, we support carefully selected projects and organizations that also make an important contribution to achieving our goal.
In cooperation with other animal welfare organizations, we support political activities and help to ensure that necessary changes in the area of animal welfare move forward and are enshrined in law. To this end, we also exchange information with the federal agencies.

Promotion of newly emerging farms of mercy and life
A special commitment of our work is to the grace and living farms. In order to do justice to our growing network of existing farms and the requests for newly emerging life farms, we have created a life farm fund.
In concrete terms, future farm of mercy and life owners receive strategic support in the form of a consultation. They are provided with knowledge about the operational management of a life yard, financing and legal basics. This knowledge forms the basis for the sustainable management of a life farm and takes into account both the animal inhabitants and business aspects.
During our information evenings, we present the concept of a life yard to interested persons and enable them to have a direct exchange with a life yard owner. This helps them to decide if and how they want to pursue their dream of owning a farm of mercy and life.
Support of existing Swiss farms of mercy and life
Existing mercy and life farms are supported in their operation. For example, the fund contributes to the costs of animal rescues. If a farm decides to rescue one or more animals – be it from animal cruelty, conversion to plant-based agriculture or saving them from the slaughterhouse – there are often several cost items involved: The animals must be transported from their previous location to their new home. If they are in poor health, they need veterinary treatment and often medication. Furthermore, it can happen that the life yard has to be extended by structural measures in order to provide enough space for the newly admitted animals.
Since these measures often exceed the farm’s budget, the Lebenshoffonds helps them financially.